#5G for All

Process of mobile phone repair

Our common goal of digital inclusion has reached the mobile industry. Thanh van Do from Telenor has established the paper “Reducing Inequalities with 5G Internet Light Network Slice” together with colleagues from the Oslo Metropolitan University and us [1]. The paper demonstrates that networking technologies such as network slicing can be applied for free access to information for all. Though 5G mobile networks have the focus on more bandwidth reliable services and massive IoT, the claim for 5G for all (#5GforAll) is stated by members of the community. #5GforAll should address to aspects, being mobile coverage everywhere, as well as free access to information.With #5GforAll we expect to extend the current 5G standardisation with the societal aspect of digital inclusion and digital empowerment. The paper demonstrates that Internet liteis feasible, and proves the viability through an implementation using an existing 4G network.

[1] Thanh van Do, Thuan Do, Josef Noll, Sudhir Dixit, Bruno Dzogovic, Boning Feng, "Reducing Inequalities with 5G Internet Light Network Slice", 5G World Summit, IEEE 5G WorldForum, 9-11July2018, Santa Clara, California, USA

Our value chain
Our vision of «Internet Lite for All» needs the collaboration of all partners in the ecosystem.
The example of Digital Health Promotion, both contributing to better health knowledge and digital literacy, is an example of the power of a collaborative approach.
Bringing health, energy and information access together forms the basis for societal empowerment. Access to information fosters education, enables entrepreneurship, and provides the opportunity for entrepreneurship. Examples of such entrepreneurship includes phone charging, haircut and beauty salon, pumps for water irrigation, drinking water production, pharmacy/fridge, green grocery, food production, garments and retail shop, as well as call centre and micro-bank business.
Increased entrepreneurship will again accelerate societal development, with all the benefits related to it.

Description of mission and vision
Our mission is to promote «Internet Lite for All», the free access to information. We concentrate on underserved areas and people otherwise left outside of the value chain, and focus on digital inclusion and societal empowerment.
Creating a common mission and best praxis for digital access in rural and under-connected areas globally, will build the basis for sustainable development and business take-up in these areas. Our vision is that «Digital Inclusion is the key for sustainable development», and that everyone on Earth has free access to information. Applying the analogy from roads, where people can walk and cycle for free, we envision the «walk on the Internet», being the free access to text, pictures and local video.

Experiences from our work suggests that «one information spot per village» with «Internet Lite»

Our target groups are related to education, health, and innovation, addressing:

  1. Schools (Education & Competence)
  2. Health Center (Health)
  3. Market (Agriculture & Trade, Sales of Goods / Food, etc.)
  4. Town hall, meeting room, water well (Experience, Communication and Politics)
  5. Church (Life-view; Religious groups are strong contributors).

We need your help and collaboration for getting everyone becoming part of the digital society. Partnerships envisage:

  • Organisations and entities with the similar mission and goals joining us in cooperation
  • efforts.
  • Research institutes interested in the sustainable development goals
  • Health institutions from the domestic communities within the targeted countries
  • Business and financial organisations

We need your help and collaboration for getting everyone becoming part of the digital society. Partnerships envisage:
Organisations and entities with the similar mission and goals joining us in cooperation
Research institutes interested in the sustainable development goals
Health institutions from the domestic communities within the targeted countries
Business and financial organisations.

Our team consists of members from the following countries. Be invited to join

  1. Norway
  2. Germany
  3. France
  4. USA
  5. India
  6. Serbia
  7. Spain
  8. Sudan
  9. Tanzania
  10. DR Congo
  11. Rwanda
Josef Noll: Josef Noll is professor at University of Oslo and Secretary General of the Basic Internet Foundation. Please join him with the demand of "Free access to information - a human right".

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