Get involved

Everyone can contribute: Individuals, Corporations, Governments.
Thanks for your support.

Become a Franchise Partner

We are always welcoming institutional, governmental, or corporate partners, and invite you to develop resilient communities through digital inclusion.

Have a look at the agreement


How much should I donate?


Pay for basic connectivity for an entire village for 1 day.


Pay for basic connectivity for an entire village for 5 days.


Are the material and labour costs to connect a new village.


Connects a new school and pays for 1 year of connectivity.

You can donate directly via PayPal. For amounts greater than 25€, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt via email.


We are always welcoming institutional, governmental, or corporate partners, who would like to drive our case with us.


Donate your time and knowledge

Money is great, but sometimes, we also simply need great humans who work with us: Who share their time and skills with us: e.g. for development, fund-raising, or partner-management. If you would like to participate and donate your time to the Basic Internet Foundation, please get in touch.

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